Letra de 'Asylum' de Billy Woods

No nosso site, temos a letra completa da música Asylum que você estava procurando.

Asylum é uma música de Billy Woods cuja letra tem inúmeras buscas, por isso decidimos que ela merece seu lugar neste site, junto com muitas outras letras de músicas que os internautas desejam conhecer.

I think Mengistu Haile Mariam is my neighbor
Whoever it is moved in and put an automated gate up
Repainted brick walls atop which now cameras rotated
By eight, the place dark, one light burn later

Razor wire like a slinky
Rumor is parcel bomb took the secretary right eye and pinky
Evenings, he take a snifter of whisky on the veranda
I wonder what he's thinking

In the morning, the maid brings coffee from the kitchen
Some nights strange music plays, I lay in bed and listen
Downstairs I hear my mother breaking dishes, my father trippin'
It's been quite bad lately, high tension

Galvanized steel security fencin'
To get through the day, give myself a mission
Anything what get me out the house a blessin'
His bodyguard chews khat, spits black in the rhododendron

Blacked out Range rumble when he start the engine
Avocado tree hang over the property line
I watch from as high as I can climb
The dog looks up and whines, the hills are alive with land mines

I live in my mind
Not sure what I'm looking for, but I'll know when I find
My mother sent the gardener to look for me, but the sky is a great place to hide

Never told the truth in your life? Can't start now
Ever so slowly, slowly locked up in your own house
Never told the truth in your life? Can't start now
Ever so slowly, slowly locked up in your own house

The guests start having doubts, the host nowhere to be found
It's ghosts in the building's bones, so many skeletons in the ground
When everything collapse, he just melt into the crowd

Suitcase packed, melted down the crown
But a haven's only safe as long as they want you around
Tomorrow it's no tellin'
Hollow when you done sellin'

You see how well they treat me? My own courtyard for private strolls
And in my chalet, every possible amenity, not to mention the occasional night visitors
I must confess kabiyesi, this detention seems to look well on you
But, so does captivity look well on a lamb we are fattening up for the feast
Or, perhaps as you say, on a wife we treat with special favor because she is going to bear us a child
What happens when the great day comes and there is only a calabash under the wrapper

Play Escuchar "Asylum" gratis en Amazon Unlimited

Existem muitos motivos para querer conhecer a letra de Asylum de Billy Woods.

Quando gostamos muito de uma música, como pode ser o seu caso com Asylum de Billy Woods, desejamos poder cantá-la conhecendo bem a letra.

Saber o que diz a letra de Asylum nos permite colocar mais sentimento na interpretação.

Sinta-se como uma estrela cantando a música Asylum de Billy Woods, mesmo que sua plateia sejam apenas seus dois gatos.

Caso a sua busca pela letra da música Asylum de Billy Woods seja porque ela faz você pensar em alguém em particular, sugerimos que você a dedique de alguma forma, por exemplo, enviando o link deste site, com certeza entenderá a indireta.

Esperamos ter ajudado com a letra da música Asylum de Billy Woods.

Nesta página, você tem à disposição centenas de letras de músicas, como Asylum de Billy Woods.

Aprenda as letras das músicas que você gosta, como Asylum de Billy Woods, seja para cantá-las no chuveiro, fazer seus covers, dedicá-las a alguém ou ganhar uma aposta.