Letra de 'Erin's Lovely Home' de Karan Casey

No nosso site, temos a letra completa da música Erin's Lovely Home que você estava procurando.

Come, all ye sons of Paddy's land and listen unto me
'Til I relate of the hardships great a-crossing over the sea
For the want of bread ten thousands fled so far across the foam
And left the land where they were born called Erin's lovely home

Black forty-seven I'll never forget when the fever, it stalked the land
And the famine without mercy, it stretched forth its dreadful hand
There's many's the child in cold death lay, their parents, they did mourn
While the landlord's agents pulled down our roofs in Erin's lovely home

My father was a farming man reared to industry
He had two sons, they were men strong, and lovely daughters three
Our farm was too small to feed us all, so some of us had to roam
With sisters two I bid adieu to Erin's lovely home

My father sold the second cow, he borrowed twenty pounds
And in the merry month of May we sailed from Sligo town
There were thousands more left upon the shore, all anxious for to roam
And leave the land where they were born called Erin's lovely home

We were scarcely seven days at sea when the fever, it plagued our crew
They were falling like the autumn leaves bidding friends and life adieu
Now the raging waves sweep o'er their graves amidst the ocean foam
Their friends may mourn, but they'll never return to Erin's lovely home

My loving sisters, they both took ill, their lives, they were taken away
And oh it grieves my heart full sore to cast them in the sea
Down in the deep now they do sleep, they never more will roam
In heaven I'll meet with my sisters sweet from Erin's lovely home

I'm in the land of liberty where plenty, it does abound
Where the laboring man gets full reward for the tilling of his ground
There's naught I can see that can comfort me, as an exile I must roam
And end my days far, far away from Erin's lovely home

Existem muitos motivos para querer conhecer a letra de Erin's Lovely Home de Karan Casey.

O motivo mais comum para querer conhecer a letra de Erin's Lovely Home é que você gosta muito dela. Óbvio, não é?

Saber o que diz a letra de Erin's Lovely Home nos permite colocar mais sentimento na interpretação.

Caso a sua busca pela letra da música Erin's Lovely Home de Karan Casey seja porque ela faz você pensar em alguém em particular, sugerimos que você a dedique de alguma forma, por exemplo, enviando o link deste site, com certeza entenderá a indireta.

Algo que acontece mais vezes do que pensamos é que as pessoas procuram a letra de Erin's Lovely Home porque há alguma palavra na música que não entendem bem e querem ter certeza do que diz.

Você está discutindo com seu parceiro(a) porque entendem coisas diferentes ao ouvir Erin's Lovely Home? Ter à mão a letra da música Erin's Lovely Home de Karan Casey pode resolver muitas disputas, e esperamos que assim seja.

Aprenda as letras das músicas que você gosta, como Erin's Lovely Home de Karan Casey, seja para cantá-las no chuveiro, fazer seus covers, dedicá-las a alguém ou ganhar uma aposta.

Lembre-se que quando precisar saber a letra de uma música, você sempre pode contar conosco, como aconteceu agora com a letra da música Erin's Lovely Home de Karan Casey.