Você adora as músicas de Sandi Patty? Aqui você encontrará as letras das músicas de Sandi Patty para que possa cantá-las em alto e bom som, fazer suas próprias versões ou simplesmente entender bem o que dizem.
Compilamos todas as letras de músicas de Sandi Patty que conseguimos para que aqueles que, como você, buscam músicas de Sandi Patty, as encontrem todas em um só lugar.
Você vê a música que gosta nesta lista de músicas de Sandi Patty?
Aqui você poderá descobrir quais são as músicas de Sandi Patty mais procuradas.
- Vía Dolorosa (Spanish Version)
- Via Dolorosa
- ¿Quién Ha De Llamarle Rey?
- Obra En Mí
- Cuán Grande Es Él
- In The Name Of The Lord
- Hosanna
- Solo El Amor (Duet With Miguel Angel Guerra)
- Su Mano En Mi Hombro
- We Shall Behold Him
- More Than Wonderful
- No One Ever Cared For Me Like Jesus
- Was It A Morning Like This
- Amor En Mil Idiomas
- Another Time, Another Place
- Libertad Me Das
- Otro Tiempo, Otro Lugar
- En Las Alas Del Amor
- I've Just Seen Jesus
- In Christ Alone
- It Is Well With My Soul
- One More Song for You
- Solo El Amor
- Star Spangled Banner
- The Devil Is A Liar
- The Majesty And Glory Of Your Name
- Who Will Call Him King Of Kings
- Worship The King
- A Mighty Fortress Is Our God / Rock Of Ages / Victory In Jesus / Because He Lives
- All The Stars
- All This Time (Anna's Song)
- Alleluia
- Almighty God
- Always
- Amazing Grace
- Angels We Have Heard On High
- Artist Of My Soul
- Ave Maria
- Away In A Manger
- Be Thou My Vision
- Because Of Who You Are
- Behold, A King Shall Reign
- Bethlehem Morning
- Birds Still Dance
- Born Again
- Breathe On Me
- Build My World Around You
- Candles
- Carol Of The Bells
- Celebrate The Gift (Medley)
- Christmas Was Meant For Children
- Come Let's Worship Him
- Come To Me
- Cradle Song
- Down In My Heart
- Doxology
- Exalt The Name
- Face To Faith
- Fairest Lord Jesus / I'd Rather Have Jesus
- Falling Forward
- Fields Of Mercy
- Find It On The Wings
- For All The World
- For Good
- Forest Of Fears
- Forever Friends
- Give Him The Glory
- Glorious Morning
- Go Tell It On The Mountain
- Go Without Knowing
- God Is Walking Me Through
- God Of All Of Me
- Grace Flows Down
- Hallelujah Chorus
- Hand On My Shoulder
- Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
- Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
- He Watches Over You
- He'll Never Let You Down
- Holy Lord, Carry On
- Home For The Holidays
- Home Will Find You
- Homenaje a Papo
- How Beautiful
- How Great Thou Art
- How Majestic Is Your Name
- I Could Never Have Imagined
- I Heard The Bells On Christmas Day
- I Lift My Hands
- I will lift you there
- I Will Praise Him
- I Will Rejoice
- I Will Sing The Wondrous Story
- I Wonder As I Wander
- I'll Be Home For Christmas
- I'll Give You Peace
- If I Want To
- Imagine
- In Heaven's Eyes
- In His Hand
- In His Love
- In His Presence
- In Majesty He Will Come
- In The Calm
- In The Garden / Just A Closer Walk With Thee / What A Friend We Have In Jesus
- In The Tenderlands
- It Took A Miracle / Down From His Glory
- It's All Right Now
- It's Your Song, Lord
- Jesú Bambino
- Jesus Is My Love Song To You
- Jesus Lord to Me
- Jesus, Oh What A Wonderful Child
- Jesus, You're Everything
- Joy To The World
- Joyful, Joyful
- Keeper Of The Well
- King Of Glory
- Let Him Hold Your Heart
- Let There Be Praise
- Let Us Rejoice
- Lift Up The Lord
- Little Narrow Gate
- Long Look
- Love Can Open The Door
- Love In Any Language
- Love Overflowing
- Love Will Be Our Home
- Made Me Glad
- Make His Praise Glorious
- Make It 'Til Tomorrow
- Merry Christmas With Love
- Mighty Is The Name Of The Lord
- My Favorite Things
- My Jesus I Love Thee / When I Survey The Wondrous Cross
- No Other Name
- No Place To Lay My Head
- O Calvary's Lamb
- O Holy Night
- O Magnify the Lord
- Once And For All
- Operator
- Pour On The Power
- Precious Memories / In The Garden / Just A Closer Walk With Thee
- Privilege (set Me Free)
- Purest Praise
- Quiero Edificar
- Rejoice
- Safe Harbour
- Sandi's Song (My Life Is A Song)
- Savior Came (When I Was Needy)
- Shepherd Of My Heart
- Shine
- Shine Down
- Silver Bells
- Sing To The Lord
- So Far
- Somebody Believed
- Someday
- Somewhere Over The Rainbow (feat. Kathy Troccoli)
- Speechless
- Star Of Bethlehem
- Step Into The Joy
- Sweet Hour Of Prayer / I Need Thee Every Hour / Just As I Am / Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
- Take Hold Of Christ
- The Christmas Song
- The Day He Wore My Crown
- The Dilemma
- The Gift Goes On
- The Heavens Are Telling
- The Home Of The Lord
- The Last Day
- The Lord's Prayer
- The Man I Love
- The Old Rugged Cross
- The Stage Is Bare
- There Is A Savior
- These Are The Days
- They Can't Take That Away From Me
- They Could Not
- Through The Eyes Of A Child
- To God Be The Glory / Holy, Holy, Holy / Blessed Assurance / Great Is Thy Faithfulness
- Together (Wherever We Go) (Duet with Kathy Troccoli)
- Unexpected Friends
- Unshakeable Kingdom
- Unto Us
- Upon This Rock
- We Will See Him As He Is
- When I Heal
- When I Need Him / Precious Lord, Take My Hand
- When The Time Comes
- Where The Nails Were
- White Christmas
- Willing To Wait
- Wings Of Peace
- Winter Wonderland
- Wonderful Lord
- Wonderful One
- Worship The Gift (Medley)
- Worthy Is The Lamb
- Wouldn't Trade It For The World
- Yes, God is real
- You Alone
- You Are a Masterpiece
- You Have Been So Good
- You Love Me
- You Never Gave Up On Me
- You Set Me Free
- You're Such A Comfort To Me
Sandi Patty (Oklahoma City, 12 de Julho de 1956), conhecida com o apelido "The Voice" e é cantora de Música Cristã Contemporânea. Foi premiada com cinco prêmios Grammy, quatro Billboard Music Awards, três discos de platina, cinco discos de ouro e onze milhões de unidades vendidas. É a vocalista mais premiada da música cristã contemporânea, com 40 Dove Awards ( é um prêmio oferecido pela Gospel Music Association) dos Estados Unidos da América. Ela foi introduzido no Gospel Music Hall da Fama em 2004 e como um Indiana Living Legend em 2007. Ela já lançou mais de 30 álbuns, incluindo seu álbum mais recente vencedora Dove Award, The Edge of the Divine (2010). Ela vai lançar seu mais recente álbum "Everlasting" exclusivamente em lojas Target, através de Somerset, Ltd., em setembro de 2013. "Everlasting", contará com hinos notáveis e canções de adoração em um ambiente intimista e acústico. Sua estréia comprimento total pops sinfônicas álbum "Histórias da Broadway", dirigida pelo maestro Jack Everly, foi lançado em 18 de outubro de 2011, com várias críticas.
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