Você adora as músicas de Amon Amarth? Aqui você encontrará as letras das músicas de Amon Amarth para que possa cantá-las em alto e bom som, fazer suas próprias versões ou simplesmente entender bem o que dizem.
Você vê a música que gosta nesta lista de músicas de Amon Amarth?
- Raise Your Horns
- Guardians Of Asgaard
- Put Your Back Into the Oar
- The Way Of Vikings
- A Dream That Cannot Be
- Back On Northern Shores
- Crack The Sky
- Skagul Rides With Me
- Tattered Banners And Bloody Flags
- The Pursuit Of Vikings
- Wanderer
- We Shall Destroy
- A Beast Am I
- A Fury Divine
- Abandoned
- Across The Rainbow Bridge
- Aerials
- Amon Amarth
- An Ancient Sign Of Coming Storm
- And Soon The World Will Cease To Be
- Annihilation Of Hammerfest
- Army Of Darkness
- Arson
- As Loke Falls
- As Long As The Raven Flies
- Asator
- At Dawn's First Light
- Atrocious Humanity
- Avenger
- Balls To The Wall
- Bastards Of A Lying Breed
- Bleed For Ancient Gods
- Blood Eagle
- Bloodshed
- Burning Anvil Of Steel
- Burning Creation
- Children Of The Grave
- Coming Of The Tide
- Cry Of The Black Birds
- Dawn Of Norsemen
- Death In Fire
- Deceiver Of The Gods
- Destroyer Of The Universe
- Doom Over Dead Man
- Down The Slopes Death
- Down The Slopes Of Death
- Embrace Of The Endless Ocean
- Eyes Of Horror
- Fafner's Gold
- Fate Of Norns
- Father Of The Wolf
- Find a Way Or Make One
- First Kill
- For The Stabwounds In Our Backs
- For The Stabwounds In Our Backs
- For Victory Or Death
- Free Will Sacrifice
- Friends Of The Suncross
- Get In The Ring
- God, His Son And Holy Whore
- Gods Of War Arise
- Heidrun
- Hel
- Hermod's Ride to Hel Loke's Treachery Part I
- Hermods Ride To Hell
- Into The Dark
- Ironside
- Jingle Bells
- Legend Of A Banished Man
- Live For The Kill
- Live Without Regrets
- Masters Of War
- Metalwrath
- Mjölner, Hammer Of Thor
- No Fear For The Setting Sun
- North Sea Storm
- Oden Owns You All
- On a Sea Of Blood
- Once Sealed In Blood
- Once Sent From The Golden Hall
- One Against All
- One Thousand Burning Arrows
- Prediction Of Warfare
- Raven's Flight
- Releasing Surtur's Fire
- Ride For Vengeance
- Risen From The Sea
- Runes To My Memory
- Sabbath Bloody Sabbath (Black Sabbath Cover)
- Satan Rising
- Saxons And Vikings
- Shape Shifter
- Shield Wall
- Siegreicher Marsch
- Siegreicher Marsch (translation)
- Skoll And Hati
- Slaves Of Fear
- Snake Eyes
- Sorrow Throughout The Nine Worlds
- Stand Up To Go Down
- Stand Up To Go Down
- The Arrival Of The Fimble Winter
- The Beheading Of A King
- The Berserker At Stamford Bridge
- The Dragon's Flight Across The Waves
- The Fall Through Ginnungagap
- The Fate Of Norns
- The Great Heathen Army
- The Hero
- The Last Stand Of Frej
- The Last With Pagan Blood
- The Mighty Doors Of The Speargod's Hall
- The Serpent's Trail
- The Sound Of Eight Hooves
- Thor Arise
- Thousand Years Of Opression
- Töck's Taunt Loke's Treachery II
- Töck's Taunt Loke's Treachery Part I
- Töck's Taunt Loke's Treachery Part Ll
- Twilight Of The Thunder God
- Twilight Of Thunder God
- Under Siege
- Under The Grayclouded Winter Sky
- Under The Northern Star
- Valhall Awaits Me
- Valhalla Awaits Me
- Valkyria
- Valkyries Ride
- Varyags Of Miklagaard
- Vengeance Is My Name
- Versus The World
- Victorious March
- Viking Christmas
- Vs The World
- War Machine
- War Of The Gods
- Warriors Of The North
- When Once Again We Can Set Our Sails
- Where Death Seems To Dwell
- Where Is Your God?
- Where Silent Gods Stand Guard
- Wings Of Eagles
- With Oden On Our Side
- Without Fear
- Wrath Of The Norsemen
Amon Amarth é uma banda de death metal melódico da cidade de Tumba, Suécia. O grupo, que aborda a temática viking em suas letras, se tornou um dos nomes mais respeitados da cena heavy metal. Após assinarem com a gravadora Metal Blade ainda na década de 1990, lançaram aclamados álbuns que levou a banda a se apresentar em diversos festivais pela Europa, e posteriormente na América e Ásia. Com Berserker, de 2019 (eleito pelo portal Loudwire como um dos 50 melhores discos de metal de 2019), o Amon Amarth já lançou ao todo 11 álbuns de estúdio.
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