Letras de Músicas de Arkells

  1. Book Club
  2. Whistleblower
  3. Abigail
  4. Agent Zero
  5. Ballad Of Hugo Chavez
  6. Bloodlines
  7. Blueprint
  8. Coffee
  9. Come To Light
  10. Crawling Through The Window
  11. Cynical Bastards
  12. Dirty Blonde
  13. Fake Money
  14. Hand Me Downs
  15. Heart Of The City
  16. Hey Kids!
  17. I'm Not The Sun
  18. John Lennon
  19. Kiss Cam
  20. Knocking At The Door
  21. Leather Jacket
  22. Michigan Left
  23. Never Thought That This Would Happen
  24. No Champagne Socialist
  25. Oh, The Boss Is Coming
  26. On Paper
  27. One Foot Out The Door
  28. Pullin Punches
  29. Round And Round
  30. Systematic
  31. The Choir
  32. Tragic Flaw
  33. What Are You Holding On To?
  34. Where U Goin
  35. You Can Get It (feat. K. Flay)

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