Encontre aqui as letras das suas músicas favoritas de Big Country.
- In a Big Country
- 1000 Stars
- All Fall Together
- All Go Together
- All of Us
- Alone
- Angle Park
- Balcony
- Beat The Devil
- Beautiful People
- Belief in the Small Man
- Bella
- Bianca
- Big Yellow Taxi
- Birmingham
- Blue On A Green Planet
- Broken Heart (thirteen Valleys)
- Broken Heart (Thirteen Valleys) By Big Country
- Buffalo Skinners
- Can You Feel The Winter
- Chance
- Charlotte
- Chester's Farm
- Cimarron
- Close Action
- Come Back to Me
- Comes a Time
- Devil in the Eye
- Dive Into Me
- Don't You Stay
- Driving to Damascus
- Dust on the Road
- Dynamite Lady
- East Of Eden
- Eiledon
- Everything I Need
- Fields Of Fire
- Flame Of The West
- Fragile Thing
- From Here To Eternity
- Girl With Grey Eyes
- Harvest Home
- Heart and Soul
- Hold The Heart
- I Could Be Happy Here
- I Get Hurt
- I walk the hill
- I'm Eighteen
- I'm Not Ashmed
- Im Only Waiting
- In This Place
- Inwards
- John Wayne's Dream
- Just A Shadow
- King Of Emotion
- Long Way Home
- Look Away
- Lost Patrol
- Message Of Love
- Never Take Your Place
- One Great Thing
- Peace In Our Time
- Perfect World
- Pink Marshmallow Moon
- Porrohman
- Prairie Rose
- Rain Dance
- Rememberance Day
- Restless Natives
- River Of Hope
- Sail Into Nothing
- Sailor
- Save Me
- See You
- Send You
- Seven Waves
- Ships
- Somebody Else
- Song of the South
- Steeltown
- Tall Ships Go
- The Crossing
- The Great Divide
- The One I Love
- The Red Fox
- The Seer
- The Selling Of America
- The Storm
- The Teacher
- The Tracks of My Tears
- Thousand Yard Stare
- Thunder & Lightining
- Time For Leaving
- We're Not In Kansas
- What Are You Working For
- When The Drum Beats
- Where the Rose Is Sown
- Wildland In My Heart
- Winding Wind
- Winter Sky
- Wonderland
- You Dreamer
Big Country é uma banda de rock formada em 1981 em Dunfermline, Escócia. Popular na Europa durante a década de 1980, era conhecida por seu som fortemente influenciado pelo folk escocês e estilos de música marcial, assim como suas técnicas e ajustes de guitarra usados para imitar o som de gaitas de fole, fiddles e outros instrumentos folk tradicionais. Seu primeiro vocalista, Stuart Adamson, morreu em 2001.
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