Você adora as músicas de Chely Wright? Aqui você encontrará as letras das músicas de Chely Wright para que possa cantá-las em alto e bom som, fazer suas próprias versões ou simplesmente entender bem o que dizem.
Compilamos todas as letras de músicas de Chely Wright que conseguimos para que aqueles que, como você, buscam músicas de Chely Wright, as encontrem todas em um só lugar.
Encontre aqui as letras das suas músicas favoritas de Chely Wright.
- 10 Lb. Heart
- Alligator Purse
- Back Of The Bottom Drawer
- Before You Lie
- Between a Mother And a Child
- Broken
- Bumber of my SUV
- C'est La Vie'
- Damn Liar
- Day One
- Deep Down Low
- Emma Jean's Guitar
- Everything
- Feelin' Single and Seein' Double
- For the Long Run
- Go On and Go
- Gotta Get Good At Givin' Again
- Hang Out In Your Heart
- He Don't Do Bars Anymore
- He's a Good Ole Boy
- Heart Shaped World
- Heavenly Days
- Her
- Horoscope
- I Already Do
- I Got Him Ready For You
- I Guess I Got Him Ready For You
- I Love You Enough to Let You Go
- If I Were Jackie
- Is It Love Yet
- It Was
- It's Not Too Late
- It's The Song
- Jezebel
- Just Another Heartache
- Just The Way We do It
- Let Me In
- Like Me
- Listenin' to the Radio
- Love Didn't Listen
- Love Lets Go
- Never Love You Enough
- Nobody But a Fool
- Not As in Love
- Notes To The Coroner
- Object Of Your Rejection
- One Night in Las Vegas
- Picket Fences
- Right In The Middle Of It
- Rubbin' It In
- Scars
- Sea Of Cowboy Hats
- Sex, Drugs And Rock'n'roll
- Shadows Of Doubt
- She Went Out For Cigarettes
- Shut Up And Drive
- Shut Up And Drive
- Single White Female
- Snow Globe
- Some Kind of Somethin
- South Side Of Lonesome
- That Train
- The Bumper of My S.U.V
- The Fire
- The Last Supper
- The Love He Left Behind
- The Love That We Lost
- The Other Woman
- The River
- Till All Her Tears Are Dry
- Till I Was Loved By You
- Unknown
- What I Learned From Loving You
- What If I Can't Say No Again?
- What If We Fly
- Wheels
- While I Was Waiting
- Why do I Still Want You
- Wish Me Away
- Woman In The Moon
- Wouldn't It Be Cool
- Your Shirt
- Your Woman Misses Her Man
Chely Wright (Kansas, 25 de Outubro de 1970) é uma cantora e compositora norte-americana, de música country.
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