Encontre aqui as letras das suas músicas favoritas de Cowboy Junkies.
Aqui você poderá descobrir quais são as músicas de Cowboy Junkies mais procuradas.
- Sweet Jane
- 'Cause Cheap Is How I Feel
- (You've Got To Get) a Good Heart
- 200 More Miles
- 32-20 Blues
- A Common Disaster
- A Few Bags Of Grain
- A Few Simple Words
- A Horse in the Country
- Angel Mine
- Angels In The Wilderness
- Anniversary Song
- At The End Of The Rainbow
- Baby Please Don't Go
- Bad Boy
- Bea's Song
- Bea's Song (River Song Trilogy Part II)
- Because Cheap Is How I Feel
- Beneath The Gate
- Betty Lonely
- Black Eyed Man
- Blue Guitar
- Blue Moon Revisited
- Blue Moon Revisited (A Song For Elvis)
- Blues Eyed Savior
- Blues Eyed Saviour
- Brand New World
- Bread and wine
- Brothers Under The Bridge
- Captain Kidd
- Carmelita
- Cicadas
- Close My Eyes
- Cold Tea Blues
- Come Calling
- Come Calling (His Song)
- Common Disaster
- Cowboy Junkies Lament
- Crescent Moon
- Crossroads
- Cutting Board Blues
- Damaged From The Start
- Dark Hole Again
- Darkling Days
- Darkling Days-dias Obscuros
- Dead Flowers
- December Skies
- Decoration day
- Dragging Hooks (River Song Trilogy Part 3)
- Dreaming My Dreams With You
- Escape Is So Simple
- Fairytale
- First Recollection
- Five Room Love Story
- Flirted With You All My Life
- Floorboard Blues
- Follower 2
- Forgive Me
- From Hunting Ground To City
- Fuck, I Hate The Cold
- Good Friday
- Handouts In The Rain
- Hard to explain
- He Will Call You Baby
- Hold on to me
- Hollow As a Bone
- Hot Burrito #1 (I'm Your Toy)
- Hunted
- I Believe I'll Dust My Broom
- I Cannot Sit Sadly By Your Side
- I Did It All For You
- I Don't Get It
- I Don't Want To Be a Soldier
- I Let Him In
- I Saw Your Shoes
- I'll Never Get Out Of These Blues Alive
- I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry
- I'm So Open
- Idle Tales
- If you gotta go, go now
- If You Were The Woman And I Was The Man
- In the long run
- Isn't It a Pity
- It Doesn't Really Matter Anyway
- Just Want To See
- Ladle
- Lay It Down
- Leaving normal
- License To Kill
- Little Dark Heart
- Lonely Sinking Feeling
- Lost My Driving Wheel
- Love's Still There
- Lungs
- Mariner's Song
- Me And The Devil
- Miles From Our Home
- Miles From Your Home
- Mining For Gold
- Mountain
- Murder, tonight, in the trailer park
- Musical Key
- My Fall
- My Father's House
- My Little Basquiat
- My Only Guarantee
- My Wild Child
- New Dawn Coming
- No Birds Today
- No Long Journey Home
- No More
- Notes falling slow
- Now I know
- One
- One Soul Now
- Oregon hill
- Pale Sun
- Postcard blues
- Powderfinger
- Renmin Park
- Ring On The Sill
- Ritual
- River Waltz
- Rock And Bird
- Sad To See The Season Go
- See You Around
- Seven Years
- Shining Moon
- Simon keeper
- Sir Francis Bacon At The Net
- Small Swift Birds
- Someday Soon
- Someone Out There
- Something More Besides You
- Southern Rain
- Speaking Confidentially
- Spiral Down
- Square Room
- Staring Man
- Stars Of Our Stars
- State Trooper
- Still Lost
- Strange Language
- Stranger Here
- Summer of Our Discontent
- Sun Comes Up, It's Tuesday Morning
- Supernatural
- Take Me
- The Confession Of Georgie E
- The Good And The Bad
- The Last Spike
- The Post
- The Slide
- The Summer Of Discontent
- The Water Is Wide
- There's a House In The Forest
- Thirty Summers
- This Street, That Man, This Life
- This World Dreams Of
- Those Final Feet
- Thousand Year Prayer
- Thunder Road
- Tired Eyes
- To Lay Me Down
- To live is to fly
- To Love Is To Bury
- Townes' Blues
- Two soldiers
- Unanswered Letteer
- Upon Still Waters
- Walking After Midnight
- We Are The Selfish Ones
- We Hovered With Short Wings
- West Of Rome
- Whalers // Mariner's Song
- When The Bottom Fell Out
- Where Are You Tonight
- White Sail
- Why This One?
- Winter's Song
- Witches
- Working On a Building
- Wrong Piano
- You Will Be Loved Again
- You're Missing
O Cowboy Junkies é um grupo musical do Canadá cujo estilo se situa entre o rock alternativo e o country music. O grupo é formado por três irmãos da família Timmins, além do baixista Alan Anton.
A banda se formou em Toronto, no ano de 1985.
Recomendamos que você visite todas as letras de músicas de Cowboy Junkies, pode se apaixonar por algumas que ainda não conhecia.
As letras das músicas de Cowboy Junkies muitas vezes seguem certos padrões que você pode descobrir se prestar atenção. Você se anima a ver quais são?
Para descobrir os padrões das músicas de Cowboy Junkies, basta ler bem as letras de suas músicas, e prestar atenção não só no que dizem, mas em como são construídas.
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