- Caroling, Caroling
- An Evening In December
- Human Song
- O Sifuni Mungu
- 95 Reasons
- After December Slips Away
- Amanece En Ararat
- Back To His Heart
- Billy On The Boulevard
- Bless Ye The Lord
- Bless Ye The Lord
- Born a Sacrifice
- Box Of Glory
- Breaking Through
- Breath of God
- Broken Places
- Campameetin' Tonight
- Campmeetin' Tonight
- Carol
- Carol Of the Bells
- Child In the Manger
- Dancin' In The Attic
- Don't Worry 'Bout A Thing
- Don't You Worry 'bout A Thing
- Double Talk
- Evidence of Love
- Forever In His Care
- Forgiven
- Freedom
- God Is Greater
- Have Yourself a Merry Little Chrismas
- Heaven's Coming Down
- Here In My Heart
- Here In Your Heart
- How Deep The Father's Love For Us
- I Find You
- I Found Love
- I Had You
- I Heard The Bells On Christmas Day
- I Will Always Come Back To You
- I'll Always Come Back To You
- In the Bleak Midwinter
- In The Quiet Of A Silent Night
- Just As True For You
- Just Can't Help Myself
- Land Of Many Tears
- Lazarus Unwound
- Legacy
- Let the Healing Begin
- Lord Of All
- Masquerade
- Messiah
- O Sacred Head, Now Wounded
- O Sifuni Mungu (All Creatures Of Our God And King)
- O'sifuni Mungo
- One Step At A Time
- Parable Of The River
- Poverty
- Rejoice
- Ring Them Bells
- Sacred Journey
- See Amid the Winter Snow
- Selah
- Shadow of the Cross
- Snap To It
- Someday
- Somethin' Takes Over
- Somethin' Takes Over Me
- Step Of Faith
- Sunrise On Ararat
- Sweet Love
- Thank You, Lord
- The Comin' Of The Lord
- The Future
- The Little Road Of Bethlehem
- The Little Road to Bethlehem
- The Look
- The New Twelve Days Of Christmas/we Wish You A Merry Christmas
- The Prize
- The Reason We Sing
- This Side Of Paradise
- Timothy's Burden
- True Love
- Under the Water
- Undivided
- Wanna Be
- What Child Is This?
- When You Fall
- Will I Find Love
- Without You
- You'll Be There
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