Você adora as músicas de Golden Earring? Aqui você encontrará as letras das músicas de Golden Earring para que possa cantá-las em alto e bom som, fazer suas próprias versões ou simplesmente entender bem o que dizem.
Compilamos todas as letras de músicas de Golden Earring que conseguimos para que aqueles que, como você, buscam músicas de Golden Earring, as encontrem todas em um só lugar.
Aqui você poderá descobrir quais são as músicas de Golden Earring mais procuradas.
- Radar Love
- Take my hand, close my eyes
- Twilight Zone
- 42nd Street
- A shout in the dark
- A Sound I Never Heard
- Acrobats And Clowns
- Adrenaline
- Against the grain
- Albino Moon
- All day watcher
- Angel
- Angelina
- Another 45 miles
- Another Man in Town
- Apocalypse
- Are You Receiving Me
- As Long As The Wind Blows
- Avalanche Of Love
- Avenue Of Broken Dreams
- Baby don't make me nervous
- Baby dynamite
- Back Home
- Backbiting baby
- Bad News Of Falling In Love
- Bad News To Fall In Love (With a Mean Motherfucker)
- Ballad of a thin man
- Beautiful Blue
- Big Tree Blue Sea
- Bloody buccaneers
- Bombay
- Born a Second Time
- Brother Wind
- Buddy Joe
- Burning stuntman
- Call me
- Can do that
- Candy's Going Bad
- Ce Soir
- Cell-29
- Chargin' up my batteries
- Circles
- Circus Will Be in Town in Time
- Clear night moonlight
- Collage
- Colourblind
- Come in outerspace
- Comin' In, Goin' Out
- Con man
- Cool As It Gets
- Cruisin' Southern Germany
- Crystal Heaven
- Cut 'em down to size
- D-light
- Daddy Buy Me A Girl
- Daddy's Gonna Save My Soul
- Darkness, darkness
- Darling
- Deja voodoo
- Desperately trying to be different
- Distant love
- Don't close the door
- Don't Run Too Far
- Don't Stay Away
- Don't stop the show
- Don't Wanna Loose that Girl
- Don't Worry
- Dong-dong-di-ki-di-gi-dong
- Dong-Dong-Digi-Digi-Dong
- Dong-Dong-Diki-Digi-Dong
- Dope Runner
- Dream
- Eight Miles High
- Enough is enough
- Everyday's Torture
- Evil Love-Chain
- Facedancer
- Faded jeans
- Fightin' windmills
- Fist in glove
- Flowers In The Mud
- Fluid conduction
- Freedom don't last forever
- From Heaven From Hell
- Future
- Gambler's blues
- Gipsy Rhapsody
- God Bless The Day
- Going crazy again
- Going To The Run
- Goodbye Mama
- Gotta see Jane
- Grab it for a second
- Gypsy Rose
- Happy and young together
- Have a heart
- Heartbeat
- High in the sky
- Hold me now
- Holy Witness
- Holy, Holy Life
- Hope
- Hurry, hurry, hurry
- I Am A Fool
- I can't do without your kiss
- I can't sleep without you
- I do rock 'n' roll
- I don't wanna be nobody else
- I Hate Saying These Words
- I Need Love
- I Sing My Song
- I'll be back again
- I'll make it all up to you
- I'm a Runnin'
- I'm a Running
- I'm going to send my pigeons to the sky
- I've just lost somebody
- Identical
- If You Leave Me
- Impeccable Girl
- In a Bad Mood
- In my house
- Instant Poetry
- Intro: Plus Minus Absurdio
- Introduction
- It's over now
- Jane Jane
- Jangalene
- Joe
- Johnny Make Believe
- Judy
- Jump and run
- Just a Little Bit Of Peace In My Heart
- Just Like Vince Taylor
- Justin Time
- Keeper of the flame
- Kill me (Ce soir)
- Kingfisher
- Landing
- Last Blast Of The Century
- Last of the Mohicans
- Latin lightnin'
- Leather
- Legalize telepathy
- Lionel the Miser
- Liquid Soul
- Little Time Bomb
- Lonely Everyday
- Long Blond Animal
- Lost & found
- Lost and Found
- Love in motion
- Love Is A Loser (When Lust Comes Around)
- Love Is a Rodeo
- Mad love's comin'
- Magnificent Magistral
- Making love to yourself
- Maximum make-up
- Miles Away From Nowhere
- Minute By Minute
- Mission impossible
- Mitch Mover
- Mood indigo
- Motorbikin'
- Move over
- Movin' down life
- Mr. Fortune's Wife
- Murdock 9-6182
- Must I Cry
- My baby Ruby
- My killer, my shadow
- My little red book
- My town
- N.E.W.S.
- Need her
- Nighthawks
- No for an answer
- No Need To Worry
- No One Loved You More Than Me
- Nobody But You
- Nomad
- Nothing Can Change This World of Mine
- Now I Have
- On A Night Like You
- One Huge Road
- One night without you
- One Shot Away From Paradise
- One Word
- Orwell's year
- Pam Pam Poope Poope Loux
- Paradise in distress
- Planet Blue
- Please go
- Pourin' My Heart Out Again
- Prisoner of the night
- Quiet Eyes
- Remember my friend
- Roxanne
- Sail on sailor
- Sam and Sue
- Save the best for later
- Save your skin
- Say my prayer
- Secrets
- See See
- Sellin' out
- She flies on strange wings
- She may be
- Silver ships
- Skyscraper Hell Of A Town
- Sleepwalkin'
- Slow down
- Smoking Cigarettes
- Snot love in Spain
- Something heavy going down
- Song Of a Devil's Servant
- Sound Of The Screaming Day
- Space Ship
- Stand by me
- Sticks And Stones
- Still Got The Keys To My First Cadillac
- Stratosphere
- Sueleen
- Suzy Lunacy (Mental rock)
- Take My Hand - Close My Eyes
- Tears and lies
- Temporary madness
- Tempting
- That Day
- The Devil Made Me do It
- The Fighter
- The Grand Piano
- The Hammer Of Love
- The Last Frontier Hotel
- The Loner
- The Lonesome D.j.
- The naked truth
- The Road Swallowed Her Name
- The Sad Story Of Sam Stone
- The Song Is Over
- The Switch
- The Thief
- The unforgettable dream
- The Vanilla Queen
- The Wall Of Dolls
- There Will Be a Tomorrow
- They Dance
- This Is The Other Side Of Life
- This Is The Time Of The Year
- This Wheel's On Fire
- Thousand Feet Below You
- Tiger bay
- Time is a book
- Time's up
- To the hilt
- Together We Live, Together We Love
- Tons Of Time
- Too much woman (Not enough girl)
- Troubles And Hassles
- Truth About Arthur
- Turn the page
- Turn the world around
- U-turn time
- Violins
- Wanted By Women
- Weekend love
- What do I Know About Love
- When I Was Young
- When Love Turns To Pain
- When People Talk
- When The Bullet Hits The Bone
- When The Lady Smiles
- Where Will I Be
- Whisper in a crowd
- Who Cares
- Who do You Love
- Why do I
- Why me?
- Will & mercy
- Yellow and blue
- Yes! We're On Fire
- You Break My Heart
- You're Better Off Dead
- You're Better Off Free
- You've Got The Intention to Hurt Me
Golden Earring é uma banda de rock neerlandesa, fundada em 1961 em Haia por George Kooymans e Rinus Gerritsen. Originalmente chamado The Tornados, mudaram o nome para The Golden Earrings quando descobriram que já existia um grupo com o nome The Tornados. Mais tarde alteraram o nome para apenas Golden Earring. O nome foi tirado da composição instrumental Golden Earrings do grupo britânico The Hunters.
Pode ser que você não seja um grande fã de Golden Earring, talvez esteja aqui por apenas uma música de Golden Earring que gosta, mas dê uma olhada no resto, elas podem te surpreender.
Recomendamos que você visite todas as letras de músicas de Golden Earring, pode se apaixonar por algumas que ainda não conhecia.
Costuma acontecer que, quando você gosta de uma música de um grupo ou artista específico, goste de outras músicas deles. Então, se você gosta de uma música de Golden Earring, provavelmente gostará de muitas outras músicas de Golden Earring.
As letras das músicas de Golden Earring muitas vezes seguem certos padrões que você pode descobrir se prestar atenção. Você se anima a ver quais são?
Para descobrir os padrões das músicas de Golden Earring, basta ler bem as letras de suas músicas, e prestar atenção não só no que dizem, mas em como são construídas.
Analisar as letras das músicas de Golden Earring pode ser muito divertido e, se você gosta de compor, pode ajudá-lo a encontrar fórmulas para criar suas próprias composições.
Esperamos que você goste destas letras de músicas de Golden Earring, e que sejam úteis para você.