Compilamos todas as letras de músicas de Gordon Lightfoot que conseguimos para que aqueles que, como você, buscam músicas de Gordon Lightfoot, as encontrem todas em um só lugar.
Aqui você poderá descobrir quais são as músicas de Gordon Lightfoot mais procuradas.
- If You Could Read My Mind
- Sundown
- Spanish Moss
- Talking In Your Sleep
- The Wreck Of The Edmund Fitzgerald
- 10 Degrees And Getting Colder
- 14 Karat Gold
- A Lesson In Love
- A Message To The Wind
- A Minor Ballad
- A Painter Passing Through
- A Passing Ship
- A Tree Too Weak To Stand
- Affair on 8th Avenue
- Afternoon Delight
- Alberta Bound
- All I'm After
- All The Lovely Ladies
- Always On The Bright Side
- Anything For Love
- Apology
- Approaching Lavender
- Baby It's Allright
- Baby Step Back
- Ballad of Yarmouth Castle
- Beautiful
- Bells Of The Evening
- Bend In The Water
- Better Off
- Betty Called Me In
- Biscuit City
- Bitter Green
- Black Day in July
- Blackberry Wine
- Boathouse
- Borderstone
- Boss Man
- Brave Mountaineers
- Broken Dreams
- Cabaret
- Can't Depend On Love
- Canadian Railroad Trilogy
- Canary Yellow Canoe
- Carefree Highway
- Changes
- Cherokee Bend
- Christian Island
- Christian Island (Georgian Bay)
- Circle of Steel
- Clouds Of Loneliness
- Cobwebs Dust
- Cold Hands From New York
- Cold on The Shoulder
- Cotton Jenny
- Couchiching
- Crossroads
- Daylight Katy
- Did She Mention My Name
- Do You Walk, Do You Talk
- Does Your Mother Know
- Don Quixote
- Don't Beat Me Down
- Dream Street Rose
- Dreamdrift
- Dreamland
- Drifters
- Drink Yer Glasses Empty
- E-Motion
- Early Mornin' Rain
- East Of Midnight
- Easy Flo
- Ecstasy Made Easy
- End Of All Time
- Endless Wire
- Fading Away
- Farewell To Annabel
- Fine As Fine Can Be
- Flyin' Blind
- For Lovin' Me
- For Lovin' Me / Did She Mention My Name
- Forgive Me Lord
- Ghosts of Cape Horn
- Go My Way
- Go-Go Round
- Gotta Get Away
- Hangdog Hotel Room
- Harmony
- Heaven Don't Deserve Me
- Heaven Help The Devil
- Hey You
- Hi' Way Songs
- High And Dry
- Home from The Forest
- I Used To be A Country Singer
- I Want To Hear It From You
- I'd Do It Again
- I'd Rather Press On
- I'll Be Alright
- I'll do Anything
- I'll Prove My Love
- I'll Tag Along
- I'm Not Sayin'
- I'm Not Sayin' / Ribbon of Darkness
- I'm Not Supposed to Care
- If Children Had Wings
- If I Could
- If It Should Please You
- If There's A Reason
- If You Got It
- If You Need Me
- In A Windowpane
- In My Fashion
- Inspiration Lady
- Is There Anyone Home
- It's Too Late, He Wins
- It's Worth Believin'
- Just a Little Bit
- Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues (Sunday Concert Plus)
- Keepin' On Yearnin'
- Keepin' On Yearning
- Knotty Pine
- Lazy Mornin'
- Leaves of Grass
- Let It Ride
- Lifeline
- Long River
- Long Thin Dawn
- Long Way Back Home
- Looking At The Rain
- Love and Maple Syrup
- Magnificent Outpouring
- Make Way For The Lady
- Mama Said
- Marie Christine
- May I
- Me & Bobby Mcgee
- Me And Bobby McGee
- Miguel
- Minstrel of The Dawn
- Mister Rock Of Ages
- Morning Glory
- Mother Of A Miner's Child
- Mountains And Marian
- Movin' (Sunday Concert Plus)
- Much To My Surprise
- My Little Love
- My Pony Won't Go
- Never Say Trust Me
- Never Too Close
- No Mistake About It
- Nous Vivons Ensemble
- Now And Then
- Ode To Big Blue
- Oh So Sweet
- Oh, Linda
- Old Dan's Records
- On Susan's Floor
- On The High Seas
- On Yonge Street
- Only Love Would Know
- Ordinary Man
- Peaceful Waters
- Poor Little Allison
- Pride Of Man
- Protocol
- Pussy Willows, Cat Tails
- Pussywillows, Cattails
- Race Among The Ruins
- Rainbow Trout
- Rainy Day People
- Red Velvet
- Redwood Hill
- Remember Me (I'm The One)
- Restless
- Return Into Dust
- Ribbon Of Darkness
- Rich Man's Spiritual
- Ring Them Bells
- Ringneck Loon
- River Of Light
- Romance
- Rosanna
- Salute
- Salute (A Lot More Livin' To Do)
- Same Old Loverman
- Saturday Clothes
- Sea Of Tranquility
- Second Cup Of Coffee
- Seven Island Suite
- Shadows
- She's Not The Same
- Shellfish
- Sit Down Young Stranger
- Sixteen Miles
- Sixteen Miles (To Seven Lakes)
- Slide On Over
- Softly
- Someone To Believe In
- Something Very Special
- Sometimes I Don't Mind
- Sometimes I Wish
- Somewhere U.S.A.
- Song for a Winter's Night
- Songs The Minstrel Sang
- Spin, Spin
- Station Master
- Stay Loose
- Steel Rail Blues
- Stone Cold Sober
- Summer Side of Life
- Summertime Dream
- Sweet Guinevere
- Sza
- Tatto
- Tattoo
- Thank You For The Promises
- That Same Old Obsession
- The Auctioneer
- The Circle Is Small
- The Eye
- The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face
- The Gypsy
- The House You Live In
- The Last Time I Saw Her
- The Laughter We Seek
- The List
- The Lost Children
- The Mountains And Maryann
- The No Hotel
- The Patriot's Dream
- The Pony Man
- The Soul Is The Rock
- The Watchman's Gone
- The Way I Feel
- The Way I Feel (In Album The Way I Feel)
- Too Late For Prayin'
- Too Many Clues in This Room
- Too Much To Lose
- Triangle
- Uncle Toad Said
- Unsettled Ways
- Waiting For You
- Walls
- Welcome to Try
- Wherefor and Why
- Whisper My Name
- Whispers Of The North
- Why Not Give It A Try
- Why Should I Feel Blue
- Wild Strawberries
- Without You
- Wonderful Tonight
- You Are What I Am
- You Just Gotta Be
- You'll Still Be Needing Me
- Your Love's Return
Gordon Meredith Lightfoot (Orillia, Ontário, 17 de novembro de 1938 - 1 de maio de 2023) foi um cantautor e poeta canadense que alcançou sucesso internacional através da música folk, country e rock.
Pode ser que você não seja um grande fã de Gordon Lightfoot, talvez esteja aqui por apenas uma música de Gordon Lightfoot que gosta, mas dê uma olhada no resto, elas podem te surpreender.
Recomendamos que você visite todas as letras de músicas de Gordon Lightfoot, pode se apaixonar por algumas que ainda não conhecia.
Para descobrir os padrões das músicas de Gordon Lightfoot, basta ler bem as letras de suas músicas, e prestar atenção não só no que dizem, mas em como são construídas.
Analisar as letras das músicas de Gordon Lightfoot pode ser muito divertido e, se você gosta de compor, pode ajudá-lo a encontrar fórmulas para criar suas próprias composições.
Esperamos que você goste destas letras de músicas de Gordon Lightfoot, e que sejam úteis para você.
Como sempre, tentamos melhorar e crescer, então, se você não encontrou as letras das músicas de Gordon Lightfoot que estava procurando, volte em breve, pois atualizamos nossas bases de dados com frequência para oferecer todas as músicas de Gordon Lightfoot e de muitos outros artistas o mais rápido possível.
Às vezes, as músicas de Gordon Lightfoot nos ajudam a expressar o que pensamos ou sentimos. É o seu caso?