Você vê a música que gosta nesta lista de músicas de Howard Shore?
- Pippin's Song
- Aragorn's Coronation
- Feast Of Starlight
- Lament for Gandalf
- The Bridge of Khazad-Dûm
- The Prophecy
- Wedding Plans
- A Journey in the Dark
- A Knife in the Dark
- A Moth in Isengard (Nature's Reclamation)
- A Storm Is Coming
- Amon Hen
- Anduril
- Angmar
- Aníron (Theme for Aragorn and Arwen)
- Aragorn Singing
- Arwen's Prayer
- Ash and Smoke
- At The Sign Of The Prancing Pony
- Bilbo's Song
- Black Speech Ring-Verse
- Breath Of Life
- Cirith Ungol
- Concerning Hobbits
- Death Of a King
- Don't Let Go
- Drinking Song
- Durin's Song
- Elessar's Oath
- Entmoot
- Evenstar
- Flight To The Ford
- Footsteps Of Doom
- For Frodo
- Forth Earlingas
- Forth Eorlingas
- Foundations of Stone
- Galadriel's Song
- Gandalf at the Door to Moria
- Gilraen's Song
- Gollum's Song
- Helm's Deep
- Hope And Memory
- Hope Fails
- Hymn to Elbereth
- In Dreams
- Into The West
- Isengard Unleashed
- Isengard Unleashed (the Ents)
- Isengard Unleashed (translation)
- Keep It Secret, Keep It Safe
- Lament for Gandalf (Chorus Text)
- Lothlorien
- Many Meetings
- May It Be
- Minas Morgul
- Minas Tirith
- Minas Tirith (feat. Ben Del Maestro)
- Misty Mountains
- Namarië (Excerpt)
- Not Once, Not Ever
- On The Fields Of Pelennor
- Samwise the Brave
- Shelob's Lair
- The Abyss
- The Argument
- The Balrog
- The Black Gate Is Closed
- The Black Rider
- The Blade That Was Broken
- The Breaking of the Fellowship
- The Call (Theoden Dresses For Battle)
- The Council Of Elrond
- The Dead Marshes
- The Death of Boromir, Pt. 1
- The Death of Boromir, Pt. 2
- The Dimholt Road
- The Eagles
- The Edge Of Night
- The End Of All Things
- The End of All Things (The Destruction of the Ring)
- The Ents
- The Evening Star
- The Fallen (Theoden Grives for his Son)
- The Fight
- The Forbidden Pool
- The Funeral Of Théodred (Known As Lament For Théodred)
- The Grace Of The Valar (Known As The Breath Of Life)
- The Great River
- The Green Dragon
- The Grey Havens
- The Hornburg
- The Houses Of Healing
- The King
- The King (Theoden is Transformed by Gandalf)
- The King Of The Golden Hall
- The Last Son
- The Leave Taking
- The Mearas
- The Missing
- The Mountain Of Fire
- The Nazgûl
- The Passage of the Marshes
- The Passing of the Elves (known as The Elvish Lament)
- The Retreat From Osgiliath
- The Return of the King
- The Revelation of the Ringwraiths
- The Ride of the Rohirrim
- The Riders of Rohan
- The Ring Goes South
- The Road Goes Ever On (Excerpt)
- The Road To Mordor
- The Seduction of the Ring
- The Shadow of the Past
- The Song of Lúthien (Excerpt)
- The Steward of Gondor
- The Taming of Sméagol
- The Treason Of Isengard
- The Uruk-hai
- The Way Is Shut
- The White Rider
- The White Tree
- Treebeard
- Twilight And Shadow
Howard Leslie Shore (Toronto, 18 de outubro de 1946) é um compositor canadense. Ele já compôs a trilha para mais de 40 filmes, com seu trabalho mais notável sendo a trilogia O Senhor dos Anéis, que deram a ele três Oscars. Ele é um colaborador frequente do diretor David Cronenberg, tendo feito a trilha de todos os seus filmes, com a exceção de um, desde 1979. Shore também trabalhou com os diretores Martin Scorsese, David Fincher, Jonathan Demme e outros.
Ele também já compôs alguns concertos, incluindo a ópera The Fly, baseado no enredo (não em sua trilha) do filme The Fly (1986), de Cronenberg, que estreou no Théâtre du Châtelet, em Paris, no dia 2 de julho de 2008.
Shore já venceu três Oscars, além de dois Golden Globe (Globo de Ouro) e quatro Grammy Awards. Ele é o tio do compositor Ryan Shore.
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