Você adora as músicas de Kingston Trio? Aqui você encontrará as letras das músicas de Kingston Trio para que possa cantá-las em alto e bom som, fazer suas próprias versões ou simplesmente entender bem o que dizem.
Compilamos todas as letras de músicas de Kingston Trio que conseguimos para que aqueles que, como você, buscam músicas de Kingston Trio, as encontrem todas em um só lugar.
Você vê a música que gosta nesta lista de músicas de Kingston Trio?
- 500 Miles
- A Little Soul Is Born
- A Rollin' Stone
- A Round About Christmas
- A Taste of Honey
- A Worried Man
- Across the Wide Missouri
- Adieu To My Island
- Adios Farewell
- Ah, Woe, Ah, Me
- All My Sorrows
- All The Good Times
- All Through The Night
- Allentown Jail
- Ally Ally Oxen Free
- Ann
- Aspen Gold
- Away Rio
- Babe, You've Been On My Mind
- Ballad Of the Quiet Fighter
- Ballad of the Thresher
- Banua
- Bay of Mexico
- Big Ball In Boston
- Big Ship Glory
- Billy Goat Hill
- Bimini
- Blow The Candle Out
- Blow Ye Winds
- Blowin' In The Wind
- Blue Eyed Gal
- Blue Tattoo
- Bonny Hielan' Laddie
- Bottle of Wine
- Brown Mountain Light
- Buddy Better Get On Down The Line
- Bye, Bye, Thou Little Tiny Child
- C'mon Betty Home
- Carrier Pigeon
- Children of the Morning
- Chilly Winds
- Coal Tattoo
- Coast of California
- Colorado Trail
- Colours
- Come All Ye Fair And Tender Ladies
- Come Along, Julie
- Come Gather the Time
- Coming from the Mountains
- Como Se Viene, Se Va
- Coo Coo U
- Coplas
- Corey, Corey
- Cortelia Clark
- Dancing the Distance
- Darlin' Are You Dreaming
- Deportee
- Desert Pete
- Dogie's Lament
- Don't Cry Katie
- Don't You Weep Mary
- Dooley
- Dorie
- E Inu Tatou E
- Early In The Mornin'
- Early Morning Rain
- Easy To Arrange
- El Matador
- En El Agua
- Everglades
- Fairwell Captain
- Farewell
- Farewell Adelita
- Fast Freight
- Folksinger's Song
- Follow Now, O Shepherds
- Four Strong Winds
- Gaze on Other Heavens
- Genny Glenn
- Georgia Stockade
- Getaway John
- Glorious Kingdom
- Go Tell It On The Mountain
- Go Tell Roger
- Go Where I Send Thee
- Goin' Away for to Leave You
- Gonna Go Down the River
- Goo Ga Gee
- Goober Peas
- Good News
- Goodnight Irene
- Goodnight, My Baby
- Gotta Travel On
- Green Grasses
- Greenback Dollar
- Guardo El Lobo
- Gue Gue
- Gypsy Rose And I Don't Give A Curse
- Hangman
- Hanna Lee
- Hard Travelin'
- Hard, Ain't It Hard
- Haul Away
- Hawaiian Night
- High Heeled Shoes
- Hit And Run
- Hobo's Lullaby
- Home From The Hill
- Honey, Are You Mad at Your Man?
- Hope You Understand
- I Bawled
- I Can't Help But Wonder Where I'm Bound
- I Like To Hear THe Rain
- I'm A Rake And Rambin' Boy
- I'm Going Home
- If I Had a Ship
- If You Don't Look Around
- If You See Me Go
- Inter Changeable Love
- Isle In The Water
- It Was Very Good Year
- Jackson
- Jane, Jane, Jane
- Jesse James
- Jocko And The Trapeze Lady
- Just Once Around The Clock
- Karu
- La Bamba
- Last Night I Had the Strangest Dream
- Last Thing on My Mind
- Leave My Woman Alone
- Lemon Tree
- Less of Me
- Let's Get Together
- Lion In The Winter
- Little Boy
- Little Light
- Little Maggie
- Little Play Soldiers
- Lock All the Windows
- Long Black Veil
- Long Time Blues
- Longest Beer Of The Night
- Looking For The Sunshine
- Love Comes A-Trickling Down
- Love Has Gone
- Love's Been Good to Me
- Low Bridge
- M.T.A.
- Mark Twain
- Mary Mild
- Mary Was Pretty
- Midnight Special
- Molly Dee
- More Poems
- My Lord What a Mornin'
- My Ramblin' Boy
- New York Girls
- No One To Talk My Troubles To
- Norwegian Wood
- Nothing More To Look Forward To
- O Ken Karanga
- O Willow Waly
- Oh, Cindy
- Oh, Miss Mary
- Oh, Sail Away
- Oh, Yes, Oh
- Old Joe Clark
- Old Joe Hannah
- Old Kentucky Land
- Oleanna
- One More Round
- One More Town
- One Too Many Mornings
- Parchment Farm Blues
- Pastures of Plenty
- Patriot Game
- Pay Me My Money Down
- Poor Ellen Smith
- Portland Town
- Poverty Hill
- Pullin' Away
- Put Your Money Away
- Raspberries, Strawberries
- Razors in the Air
- Red River Shore
- Remember The Alamo
- Reuben James
- Reverend Mr. Black
- Rider
- River Run Down
- Rocky
- Rollin' Stone
- Rolling River
- Roving Gambler/This Train
- Ruby Red
- Run Molly, Run
- Run The Ridges
- Runaway Song
- Running Out Of Tomorrow
- Rusing In The Rain
- Sail Away, Ladies
- Sally, Don't You Grieve
- Salty Dog
- San Miguel
- Santo Anno
- Saro Jane
- Scarlet Ribbons
- Scotch and Soda
- Sea Fever
- Seasons in the Sun
- Senora
- Shady Grove/Lonesome Traveller
- Sing Out
- Sing We Noel
- Sinking of the Reuben James
- Sloop John B.
- So Hi
- Some Fool Made a Soldier of Me
- Someday Soon
- Somerset Gloucestershire Wassail
- Sometimes Love Is Better When It's Gone
- Song For a Friend
- South Coast
- South Wind
- Speckled Roan
- Spinnin' Of The World
- Stay Awhile
- Stories of Old
- Strange Day
- Take Her Out Of Pity
- Tattooed Lady
- Texas Across The Tiver
- The Ballad of the Shape of Things
- The Escape of John Webb
- The First Time
- The Golden Spike
- The Hunter
- The Jug Of Punch
- The Last Month Of The Year
- The Lion Sleeps Tonight
- The Long Black Rifle
- The Merry Minuet
- The Mountains O'Mourne
- The New Frontier
- The River Is Wide
- The Seine
- The Shape of Things
- The Sloop John B
- The Streets of Laredo
- The Tijuana Jail
- The Unfortunate Miss Baily
- The Wanderer
- The Way Old Friends Do
- The White Snows Of Winter
- The Wines Of Madeira
- The Work Song
- The World Needs A Melody
- The World's Last Authentic Playboys
- Them Poems
- These Seven Men
- They Are Gone
- They Call the Wind Maria
- Thirsty Boots
- This Land Is Your Land
- This Little Light Of Mine
- This Mornin', This Evenin', So Soon
- Those Brown Eyes
- Those Who Are Wise
- Three Jolly Coachmen
- Three Song
- Tic, Tic, Tic
- Tnaga Tika
- To Be Redeemed
- To Morrow
- Tom Dooley
- Tomorrow Is A Long Time
- Try To Remember
- Turn Around
- Two-Ten, Six-Eighteen
- Uta Wena
- Verandah Of Millium August
- Walkin' This Road To My Town
- We Wish You A Merry Christmas
- Weeping Willow
- When I Was Young
- When My Love Was Here
- When the Saints Go Marching In
- When You've Been Away for a Long Time
- Where Are You Going Little Boy?
- Where Have All The Flowers Gone?
- Whistling Gypsy
- Who's Gonna Hold Her Hand
- Will You Love Me If I Don't Do Coke?
- With Her Head Tucked Underneath Her Arm
- With You My Johnny
- World I Used To Know
- Yes I Can Feel It
- You Don't Knock
- You're Gonna Miss Me
- Young Roddy McCorley
- Zombie Jamboree
Recomendamos que você visite todas as letras de músicas de Kingston Trio, pode se apaixonar por algumas que ainda não conhecia.
Costuma acontecer que, quando você gosta de uma música de um grupo ou artista específico, goste de outras músicas deles. Então, se você gosta de uma música de Kingston Trio, provavelmente gostará de muitas outras músicas de Kingston Trio.
Analisar as letras das músicas de Kingston Trio pode ser muito divertido e, se você gosta de compor, pode ajudá-lo a encontrar fórmulas para criar suas próprias composições.
Esperamos que você goste destas letras de músicas de Kingston Trio, e que sejam úteis para você.
Como sempre, tentamos melhorar e crescer, então, se você não encontrou as letras das músicas de Kingston Trio que estava procurando, volte em breve, pois atualizamos nossas bases de dados com frequência para oferecer todas as músicas de Kingston Trio e de muitos outros artistas o mais rápido possível.
Se você encontrou a música de Kingston Trio que gosta nesta lista, compartilhe-a com seus entes queridos.