Letras de Músicas de Magrudergrind

Aqui você poderá descobrir quais são as músicas de Magrudergrind mais procuradas.

  1. 3:28 AM
  2. A Reaction With a Steak Knife
  3. Abuse Of Philanthropic Self Gain
  4. Agnostic Technology
  5. America On Alert
  6. Army Of None
  7. Assimilated Pollutants
  8. Ballad Of Christ
  9. Black Banner
  10. Bridge Burner
  11. Built To Blast
  12. Casablanca Detonation
  13. Closed Off
  14. Cognition
  15. Complete Deprivation
  16. Conditioned Minds
  17. Cranial Media Parasite
  18. Dahmered Again
  19. Deceiver
  20. Divine Dictation
  21. Drifiting Away
  22. End Of Season Sale At The Cerebral Departmnet
  23. Excommunicated
  24. Family Crisis
  25. Fascist Found Hung
  26. Finicial Downpur On Tight Ties
  27. Fools Of Contradiction
  28. French Fry
  29. Fuck Your Protein Source
  30. Hara-Kiri
  31. Heavier Bombing
  32. Heaviest Bombing
  33. Heretics
  34. Hitler Only Had One Testicle - part 1
  35. Hitler Only Had One Testicle - Part 2
  36. Housewife Plague
  37. Humanitary Aid
  38. Husayni / Handschar
  39. I Saw Jahova Sippin' a 40 At The Corner Of Georgia Ave.
  40. I'd Like a Refun Or Expect Arson Against Your Place
  41. I'm Fucking Done
  42. Icaro
  43. Imperium In Imperio
  44. Incapacity Reigns
  45. Incarceration State
  46. Karma Smacks You In The Face
  47. Keeps Laughing
  48. Kill To Thrash
  49. Layer Of Waste
  50. Leech
  51. Lyrical Ammunition For Scene Warfare
  52. Martyrs Of The Shoah
  53. Negative Impact
  54. No God Rhetoric
  55. Pharmacide
  56. Pulverizing Hate Mongers
  57. Putting Anthrax In The Beer Tap
  58. Regressive Agenda
  59. Rehased
  60. Rejecting The Militant Promise
  61. Relentless Hatred
  62. Rise And Fall Of Empires Past
  63. Sacrificial Hire
  64. Song Seven
  65. Spicy Delight
  66. Stagnant
  67. Stale Affairs
  68. Suburban Bloodshed
  69. The 2nd Wave
  70. The Fast End Theory
  71. The Final Pollution
  72. The Opportunist
  73. The Price Of Living By Delinquent Ideals
  74. The Prick Has Made It's Name
  75. The Protocols Of Anti-sound
  76. Too Good For Good
  77. Trend Blender
  78. Trustfund Whitey
  79. Unit 731
  80. War For Resources
  81. Zero Substance

Pode ser que você não seja um grande fã de Magrudergrind, talvez esteja aqui por apenas uma música de Magrudergrind que gosta, mas dê uma olhada no resto, elas podem te surpreender.

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