Você adora as músicas de Manic Street Preachers? Aqui você encontrará as letras das músicas de Manic Street Preachers para que possa cantá-las em alto e bom som, fazer suas próprias versões ou simplesmente entender bem o que dizem.
Aqui você poderá descobrir quais são as músicas de Manic Street Preachers mais procuradas.
- Motorcycle Emptiness
- A Design For Life
- If You Tolerate This Your Children Will Be Next
- Ocean Spray
- The Everlasting
- (I Miss The) Tokyo Skyline
- 1985
- 3 Ways To See Despair
- 30 Years War
- 4 Lonely Roads
- 4st. 7lbs.
- A Billion Balconies Facing The Sun
- A Secret Society
- A Song For Departure
- A Vision of Dead Desire
- Ain't Going Down
- All Alone Here
- All Is Vanity
- All We Make Is Entertainment
- Always/Never
- Anorexic Rodin
- Another Invented Disease
- Anthem For a Lost Cause
- Archives Of Pain
- Are Mothers Saints
- As Holy As The Soil (That Buries Your Skin)
- Askew Road
- Australia
- Auto-Intoxication
- Automatik Teknicolor
- Autumn Song
- Autumnsong
- Baby Elian
- Bag Lady
- Ballad of The Bankgok Novotel
- Be Natural
- Been a Soon
- Behave Yourself Baby
- Between The Clock and the Bed
- Black Dog On My Shoulder
- Black Garden
- Black Holes For The Young
- Black Square
- Bored Out Of My Mind
- Born A Girl
- Born To End
- Bright Eyes
- Builder Of Routines
- Buildings For Dead People
- Can't Take My Eyes of You
- Cardiff Afterlife
- Charles Windsor
- Close My Eyes
- Comfort Comes
- Condemned To Rock 'N Roll
- Crucifix Kiss
- Damn Dog
- Dead Martyrs
- Dead Passive
- Dead Trees and Traffic Islands
- Dead Yankee Draw
- Democracy Coma
- Design For Life
- Didn't My Lord Deliver Daniel
- Die In The Summertime
- Divine Youth
- Don't Be Evil
- Donkeys
- Door to The River
- Doors Closing Slowly
- Drug Drug Druggy
- Dying Breeds
- Elvis Empersonator: Black Pool Pier
- Emily
- Empty Souls
- Enola/Alone
- Epicentre
- Europa Geht Durch Mich (feat. Nina Hoss)
- Everything Must Go
- Everything Will Be
- Faceless Sense Of Void
- Facing page: top left
- Failure Bound
- Faster
- Fear of Motion
- Firefight
- First Republic
- Foggy Eyes
- Forever Delayed
- Fragments
- Freedom Of Speech Won't Feed My Children
- From Despair To Where
- Further Away
- Futurology
- Generation Terrorists
- Glasnost
- Gold Against The Soul
- Golden Platitudes
- Groundhog Days
- Hanging On
- Happy Ending
- Hazelton Avenue
- Hibernation
- His Last Painting
- Hold Me Like A Heaven
- I Found That Soul
- I Live To Fall Asleep
- I Think I've Found It
- I'm Just A Patsy
- I'M Not Working
- IfWhiteAmericaToldTheTruthForOneDayItsWorldWillFallApart
- Imperial Bodybags
- In Eternity
- Indian Summer
- Interiors (Song For Williem De Kooning)
- Internacional Blue
- International Blue
- Intravenous Agnostic
- It's All Gone
- It's Not War, Just The End of Love
- It's So Easy
- Jackie Collins Existencial Question Time
- Jackie Collins Existential Question Time
- Journal For Plague Lovers
- Judge Yr'self
- Just A Kid
- Kevin Carter
- La Tristesse Durera (Scream To A Sigh)
- Last Christmas
- Last Exit On Yesterday
- Let Robeson Sing
- Let's Go To War
- Life Becoming A Landslide
- Litany
- Little Baby Nothing
- Little Guernica
- Little Trolls
- Liverpool Revisited
- Locust Valley
- Love Turns Us Under
- Love's Sweet Exile
- Love'S Sweet Exile
- Marlon J.D.
- Masking Tape
- Mausoleum
- Me and Stephen Hawking
- Methadone Pretty
- Miss Europa Disco Dancer
- Missguided Missile
- Montana/Autumn/78
- Motown Junk
- Mr. Carbohydrate
- My Guernica
- My Little Empire
- Natwest - Barclays - Midlands - Lloyds
- Never Want Again
- New Art Riot
- No Jubilees
- No Surface All Feeling
- Nobody Loved You
- Nostalgic Pushead
- Of Walking Abortion
- Out Of Time
- P. C. P.
- Patrick Bateman
- Peeled Apples
- Penny Royalty
- People Give In
- Picturesque
- Postcards From a Young Man
- Pretension / Repulsion
- Prologue To History
- R.P mcmurphy
- Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head
- Razorblade Beat
- Ready For Drowning
- Removables
- Rendition
- Repeat (Stars & Stripes)
- Repeat (Uk)
- Revol
- Rewind the Film (feat. Richard Hawley)
- Roses In The Hospital
- Royal Correspondent
- Running Out Of Fantasy
- S.Y.M.M.
- Sculpture Of Man
- Second Great Depression
- Send Away The Tigers
- Sepia
- Sequels Of Forgotten Wars
- Sex, Power, Love and Money
- She Bathed Herself In A Bath Of Bleach
- She Is Suffering
- Show Me The Wonder
- Slash 'N Burn
- Sleepflower
- Small Black Flowers That Grow In The Sky
- So Dead
- So Why So Sad
- Socialist Serenade
- Solitude Sometimes Is
- Some Kind Of Nothingness
- Song Of Those Who Died In Vain
- Sorrow 16
- Soul Contamination
- Spectators Of Suicide
- Starlover
- Stay Beautiful
- Stay With Me
- Strip It Down
- Suicide Alley
- Suicide Is Painless
- Symphony Of Tourette
- Take The Skinheads Bowling
- Teenage 20-20
- Tennessee
- The Ballad Of The Bangkok Novotel
- The Convalescent
- The Descent (Pages 1 & 2)
- The Drowners
- The Future Has Been Here 4 Ever
- The Girl Who Wanted To Be God
- The Intense Humming Of Evil
- The Love Of Richard Nixon
- The Masses Against The Classes
- The Next Jet To Leave Moscow
- The View From Stow Hill
- The Year Of Purification
- There By The Grace Of God
- This Is The Day
- This Is Yesterday
- This Joke Sport Severed
- This Sullen Welsh Heart
- To Repel Ghosts
- Too Cold Here
- Train In Vain
- Tsunami
- UK Channel Boredom
- Umbrella
- Under My Wheels
- Underdogs
- Unstopable Salvation
- Us Against You
- Valley Boy
- Velocity Girl
- Virginia State Epileptic Colony
- Vivian
- Walk Me To The Bridge
- Walking Down Canal Street
- Wattsville Blues
- We Are All Bourgeios Now
- What's My Name
- William's Last Words
- Winterlovers
- Working Class Hero [John Lennon cover]
- Wrote For Luck
- Yes
- You Love Us
- You Stole The Sun From My Heart
- You're Tender And You're Tired
- Your Love Alone Is Not Enough
- Yourself
Manic Street Preachers é uma banda de rock formada no País de Gales em 1986. O grupo é formado por James Dean Bradfield (vocais, guitarra), Nicky Wire (baixo e vocais) e Sean Moore (bateria) desde o seu início, tendo passado também o guitarrista Richey Edwards.
O grupo alcançou certa relevância lançando um EP e mais tarde o álbum Generation Terrorists (1992), sempre com teor politizado e envolvimento polêmico com a imprensa. O grupo, em sua primeira fase, flertou com o hard rock, mas rapidamente tornou-se mais influenciado pelo rock alternativo e post-punk. Com essas influências e letras escritas pelo baixista Nicky e o guitarrista Richey, a banda produziu The Holy Bible em 1994, considerado um dos principais trabalhos de sua discografia. Em 1995 Richey, conhecido por sua personalidade polêmica, depressiva e melancólica, desapareceu. A banda tornou-se um trio, e nesta formação, o som tornou-se mais leve, embora igualmente politizado, com o britpop de Everything Must Go (1996), um dos álbuns mais elogiados da discografia dos Manics e com o sucessor This Is My Truth Tell Me Yours (1998), o mais vendido da carreira. No entanto, os subsequentes Know Your Enemy (2001) e Lifeblood (2004) foram mal recebidos pela crítica e público. Neste ínterim, os músicos fizeram um show em Cuba, registrado em vídeo. James e Nicky gravaram discos solo em 2006.
O conjunto retornou à forma com Send Away the Tigers (2007), que segundo o trio, renovou-a. Após Richey ser oficialmente declarado morto em 2008, os músicos revisitaram algumas de suas letras e lançaram Journal for Plague Lovers (2009), influenciado pelo som da banda na década anterior. Após isso, o grupo investiu em discos ecléticos, bem recebidos pela crítica: O power pop de Postcards from a Young Man (2010), o acústico folk Rewind the Film (2013) e o krautrock Futurology (2014). Nos anos seguintes, saíram Resistance Is Futile (2018), The Ultra Vivid Lament (2021) e Critical Thinking (2025). O trio também produziu a coletânea National Treasures – The Complete Singles em 2011. Com mais de dez milhões de cópias vendidas pelo mundo, o Manic Street Preachers é conhecido pela temática política e filosófica em suas músicas, tendo sido e vencedor nos prêmios NME Awards, Q Awards e BRIT Awards. Os músicos também já foram indicados para o Mercury Prize e o MTV Europe Music Awards.
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