Você adora as músicas de Red Foley? Aqui você encontrará as letras das músicas de Red Foley para que possa cantá-las em alto e bom som, fazer suas próprias versões ou simplesmente entender bem o que dizem.
Você vê a música que gosta nesta lista de músicas de Red Foley?
Aqui você poderá descobrir quais são as músicas de Red Foley mais procuradas.
- As Far As I'm Concerned
- As Long As I Live (kitty Wells)
- ASHES OF LOVE (with kitty wells)
- Beyond The Sunset
- Bothered By The Blues
- Brother Bill
- Candy Kisses (with Kitty Wells)
- Chattanoogie Shoe Shine Boy
- Company's Comin'
- Dear Hearts And Gentle People
- Don't Let The Stars Get In Your Eyes
- Down Yonder
- End Of The World
- Fiddles And Guitars
- Foggy River
- Georgia Town Blues
- Goodnight Irene
- HAPPINESS MEANS YOU (with kitty wells)
- Happy Song
- Have I Told You Lately That I Love You (with Kitty Wells)
- Have You Ever Been Lonely (have You Ever Been Blue)
- Hearts Of Stone
- Hello No. 1 (with Kitty Wells)
- Home
- I Hear a Choir
- I Want a Girl
- I'm a Stranger In My Home (with Kitty Wells)
- I'm Counting On You (with Kitty Wells)
- I'm Throwing Rice (at The Girl I Love) (with Kitty Wells)
- It's a Sin To Tell a Lie
- Just a Closer Walk With Thee
- Just Call Me Lonesome (with Kitty Wells)
- Let Me Call You Sweetheart
- Living As Strangers
- LOOKING OVER OUR SHOULDER (with kitty wells)
- Love And Wanted (with Kitty Wells)
- Make Believe (till We Can Make It Come True) (with Kitty Wells)
- Memory Of a Love (with Kitty Wells)
- Methodist Pie
- Midnight
- Moonlight Bay
- Mountain Boy
- My Happiness (with Kitty Wells)
- My Wall Came Tumblin' Down (with Kitty Wells)
- No One But You (with Kitty Wells)
- Old Shep
- On Top Of Old Smokey
- One By One (with Kitty Wells)
- Pack Up Your Troubles In Your Old Kit Bag
- Peace In The Valley
- Place Where I Worship
- Polka On a Banjo
- River Stay Way From My Door
- Satisfied Mind
- Sleepy Time Gal
- Smiles
- Someone To Care
- Steal Away
- Taste Of Life
- Tennessee Border
- Tennessee Saturday Night
- That Little Boy Of Mine
- That Lucky Old Sun
- Together Again (with Kitty Wells)
- Trouble In Mind
- Wasted Years
- We Live In Two Different Worlds
- WE MADE A MISTAKE (with kitty wells)
- We Need One More Chance (with Kitty Wells)
- Wedding Bells
- Wedding Ring Ago (whit Kitty Wells)
- When God Dips His Love In My Heart
- When You're Smiling
- Why Don't You Haul Off And Love Me
- Will The Circle Be Unbroken
- You And Me (with Kitty Wells)
- You're Nobody Till Somebody Loves You
Pode ser que você não seja um grande fã de Red Foley, talvez esteja aqui por apenas uma música de Red Foley que gosta, mas dê uma olhada no resto, elas podem te surpreender.
Recomendamos que você visite todas as letras de músicas de Red Foley, pode se apaixonar por algumas que ainda não conhecia.
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