Você adora as músicas de Steve Earle? Aqui você encontrará as letras das músicas de Steve Earle para que possa cantá-las em alto e bom som, fazer suas próprias versões ou simplesmente entender bem o que dizem.
Encontre aqui as letras das suas músicas favoritas de Steve Earle.
Você vê a música que gosta nesta lista de músicas de Steve Earle?
Aqui você poderá descobrir quais são as músicas de Steve Earle mais procuradas.
- Someday
- The Galway Girl
- Harlan Man
- Molly-O
- 21st Century Blues
- A Bible And A Gun
- A Country Song
- A Far Cry From You
- A Little Bit In Love
- After Mardi Gras
- All Of My Life
- Amerika v. 6.0 (The Best We Can Do)
- Angel Is The Devil
- Angry Young Man
- Annie, Is Tonight The Night
- Another Town
- Are You Sure Hank Done It This Way?
- Arianne
- Ashes To Ashes
- Baby Baby Baby (Baby)
- Baby Let Me Follow You Down
- Baby's In Black
- Baby's Just As Mean As Me
- Back To The Wall
- Before They Make Me Run
- Ben McCulloch
- Billy And Bonnie
- Billy Austin
- Blue Yodel #9
- Brand New Companion
- Breakdown Lane
- Breed
- Burnin It Down
- By The Rivers Of Babylon
- Cadillac
- Calico County
- Carrie Brown
- CCKMP (Cocaine Cannot Kill My Pain)
- Christmas In Washington
- City Of Immigrants
- Close Your Eyes
- Cocaine
- Colorado Girl
- Come Home To Me
- Comin' Around
- Condi, Condi
- Conspiracy Theory
- Continental Trailways Blues
- Copperhead Road
- Country Girl
- Country Girl Lyrics
- Creepy Jackalope Eye
- Cry Myself To Sleep
- Crying, Waiting, Hoping
- Days Aren't Long Enough
- Dead Flowers
- Delta Mama Blues
- Dirty Old Town
- Dixieland
- Don't Take Your Guns To Town
- Don't You Take It Too Bad
- Down Here Below
- Down The Road
- Elijah's Church
- Ellis Unit One
- Esmeralda's Hollywood
- Even When I'm Blue
- Every Part Of Me
- Everyone's In Love
- Everyone's In Love With You
- F The CC
- Fearless Heart
- Feel Alright
- Francine
- Ft. Worth Blues
- Go Amanda
- God Is God
- Good Ol Boy (Gettin Tough)
- Good Ol' Boy (Gettin' Tough)
- Goodbye
- Goodbye's All We've Got Left
- Goodbye's All We've Got Left To Say
- Goodnight Irene
- Guitar Town
- Halo 'Round The Moon
- Hangmen
- Hard Core Troubadour
- Hard-Core Troubadour
- Have Mercy
- Heaven Or Hell
- Here I Am
- High Fashion Queen
- Hillbilly Highwa
- Hillbilly Highway
- Home To Houston
- Hometown Blues
- Hopeless Romantics
- Hurtin Me, Hurtin You
- Hurtin' Me, Hurtin' You
- I Ain't Ever Satisfied
- I Am A Wanderer
- I Can Wait
- I Don't Want To Lose You Yet
- I Feel Alright
- I Love You Too Much
- I Remember You
- I Still Carry You Around
- I Thought I Was Dreaming
- I Thought You Should Know
- I'll Change For You
- I'm Looking Through You
- I'm Still In Love With You
- If I Should Fall From Grace With God
- If You Fall
- If You Need A Fool
- In The Jailhouse Now
- Invisible
- It Takes A Lot To Laugh, It Takes A Train To Cry
- It's All Up To You
- Jericho Road
- Jerusalem
- John Walker's Blues
- Johnny Come Lately
- Johnny Too Bad
- Justice In Ontario
- Leroy's Dustbowl Blues
- Let's Get Together
- Little Rock 'N' Roller
- Little Sister
- Lonelier Than This
- Lonely Are The Free
- Long, Lonesome Highway Blues
- Loretta
- Love's To Blame
- Lucy Dee
- Lungs
- Marie
- Me And The Eagle
- Meet Me In The Alleyway
- Mercenary Song
- More Than I Can Do
- Mr. Mudd And Mr. Gold
- Mustang Wine
- My Baby Worships Me
- My Back Pages
- My Old Friend The Blues
- My Uncle
- Mystery Train Part II
- N.y.c.
- Nashville Cats
- Nebraska
- No Deal
- No Place To Fall
- No. 29
- Nothin But You
- Nothin' But You
- Nothin' Without You
- Nothing But A Child
- Now She's Gone
- Nowhere Road
- Once You Love
- Open Up Your Door
- Open Your Window
- Outlaw's Honeymoon
- Outlaws Honeymoon
- Over Yonder (Jonathan's Song)
- Oxycontin Blues
- Pancho and Lefty
- Pilgrim
- Pocket Full Of Rain
- Poison Lovers
- Poor Boy
- Promise You Anything
- Racing In The Street
- Rake
- Reconsider Me
- Red Is The Color
- Regular Guy
- Rex's Blues
- Rich Man's War
- Rivers Of Babylon
- San Antonio Girl
- Satellite Radio
- Saturday Night And Sunday Morning
- Señor
- Shadowland
- Shake Rattle And Roll
- Shake, Rattle And Roll
- She's About A Mover
- Sin City
- Sincerely (Too Late To Turn Back Now)
- Six Days On The Road
- Slippin' Away
- Snake Oil
- Some Dreams
- Sometimes She Forgets
- Somewhere Out There
- Sorry Sue
- South Nashville Blues
- Sparkle And Shine
- Squeeze Me In
- State Trooper
- Steve's Hammer (For Pete)
- Steve's Last Ramble
- Summer Wages
- Sweet Little '66
- Sweet Little 66
- Sweet Virginia
- Take It Or Leave It
- Taneytown
- Tecumseh Valley
- Telephone Road
- Tennessee Blues
- Texas Eagle
- The Boy Who Never Cried
- The Crush
- The Devil's Right Hand
- The Graveyard Shift
- The Gringo's Tale
- The Gulf Of Mexico
- The Kind
- The Low Highway
- The Mountain
- The Other Kind
- The Other Side Of Town
- The Rain Came Down
- The Revolution Starts Now
- The Seeker
- The Truth
- The Unrepentant
- The Usual Time
- The Week Of Living Dangerously
- The Window Song
- Think It Over
- This Highway's Mine (Roadmaster)
- Time Has Come Today
- To Live Is To Fly
- Tom Ames Prayer
- Transcendental Blues
- Until The Day I Die
- Valentine's Day
- Waitin' On The Sky
- Waiting On You
- Warrior
- Way Down In The Hole
- West Nashville Boogie
- What'll You Do About Me
- What's A Simple Man To Do?
- What's Your Name
- Wheels
- When I Fall
- When The People Find Out
- When Will Will Be Married?
- When You Fall In Love
- Wherever I Go
- While You Sleep
- White Freight Liner Blues
- Willin'
- Windfall
- You Belong To Me
- You Know The Rest
- You Tear Me Up
- You're Still Standin' There
- You're Still Standing There
- Yours Forever Blue
Stephen "Steve" Fain Earle é um cantor e compositor americano bem conhecido por suas músicas rock e country, assim como suas visões políticas. Ele também é escritor, um ativista político e tem escrito e dirigido peças. Em seu início de carreira, ele era visto como um salvador da música country e aclamado por alguns como o "novo Bruce Springsteen". Na parte posterior de sua carreira, após ter problemas com a lei, toxicodependência e seus intransigentes pontos de vista, ele se ficou conhecido como "o trovador hardcore".
Costuma acontecer que, quando você gosta de uma música de um grupo ou artista específico, goste de outras músicas deles. Então, se você gosta de uma música de Steve Earle, provavelmente gostará de muitas outras músicas de Steve Earle.
As letras das músicas de Steve Earle muitas vezes seguem certos padrões que você pode descobrir se prestar atenção. Você se anima a ver quais são?
Para descobrir os padrões das músicas de Steve Earle, basta ler bem as letras de suas músicas, e prestar atenção não só no que dizem, mas em como são construídas.
Esperamos que você goste destas letras de músicas de Steve Earle, e que sejam úteis para você.
Se você encontrou a música de Steve Earle que gosta nesta lista, compartilhe-a com seus entes queridos.