Aqui você poderá descobrir quais são as músicas de The Pineapple Thief mais procuradas.
- Tear You Up
- All That You've Got
- Alone At Sea
- In Exile
- Magnolia
- Preparation for Meltdown
- Simple As That
- Start your decent
- 137
- 3000 Days
- A Loneliness
- All The Wars
- All You Need To Know
- And So Say All of You
- Barely Breathing
- Bond
- Boxing Day
- Breathe
- Burning Pieces
- Catch The Jumping Fool
- Clapham
- Coming Home
- Day Eight - Sunday
- Day Five - Thursday
- Day Four - Wednesday
- Day One - Sunday 8th August 2004
- Day Seven - Saturday
- Day Six - Friday
- Day Six - Friday (8 Days Later)
- Day Three - Tuesday
- Day Two - Monday
- Dead In The Water
- Deep Blue World
- Demons
- Different World
- Don't Tell Me
- Doppler
- Drain
- Far Below
- Fend for Yourself
- From Me
- From where you're standing
- Give It Back
- God Bless The Child
- How Did We Find Our Way?
- I will light up your eyes
- Incubate
- It's Just You And Me
- Judge the girl
- Keep Dreaming
- Kid Chameleon
- Last Man Standing
- Lay On The Tracks
- Little Man
- MD One
- My Bleeding Hand
- My Debt to You
- No Man's Land
- Not Naming Any Names
- Nothing at Best
- November
- Oblivion
- Part Zero
- Parted forever
- Perpetual Night Shift
- Pillar Of Salt
- Preserve
- Prey for me
- Private Paradise
- Punish Yourself
- Reaching Out
- Remember Us
- Resident Alien
- Run A Mile
- Run Me Through
- Saturday November 9th 21:16
- Seasons Passed
- Seasons Past
- Sense Of Fear
- Shed a Light
- Shoot First
- Show a Little Love
- Sinners
- Slip away
- Snowdrops
- So We Row
- Someone Here Is Missing
- Someone Pull Me Out
- Sooner Or Later
- Ster
- Subside (13th Floor Mix)
- Sunday November 10th 14:20
- Take me with you
- Take our hands
- Take You Shot
- That Shore
- The answers
- The Bitter Pill
- The Final Thing On My Mind
- The ground floor
- The One You Left To Die
- The Sorry State
- The State We're In
- The world I always dreamed of
- This Will Remain Unspoken
- Threatening War
- Thursday November 7th
- Tightly Wound
- Too Much to Lose
- Try As I Might
- Tuesday November 5th
- Uncovering Your Tracks
- Vapour Trails
- Wait
- Wake Up the Dead
- Warm Me
- Warm Seas
- Watch the world (turn grey)
- We Love You
- We Subside
- Well, I Think That's What You Said
- What Have We Sown?
- Whatever You Do Do Nothing
- Where We Stood
- White Mist
- Who will be there
- Wilting Violet
- Wretched Soul
Recomendamos que você visite todas as letras de músicas de The Pineapple Thief, pode se apaixonar por algumas que ainda não conhecia.
Costuma acontecer que, quando você gosta de uma música de um grupo ou artista específico, goste de outras músicas deles. Então, se você gosta de uma música de The Pineapple Thief, provavelmente gostará de muitas outras músicas de The Pineapple Thief.
Para descobrir os padrões das músicas de The Pineapple Thief, basta ler bem as letras de suas músicas, e prestar atenção não só no que dizem, mas em como são construídas.
Esperamos que você goste destas letras de músicas de The Pineapple Thief, e que sejam úteis para você.