Encontre aqui as letras das suas músicas favoritas de The Presidents of the United States of America.
- Lump
- Video Killed The Radio Star
- George Of The Jungle
- Love Everybody
- Peaches
- 5, 5000 Miles
- 5,500 Miles
- A luncatic to love
- Back Porch
- Basketball Dream
- Bath Of Fire
- Blank Baby
- Body
- Boll Weevil
- Born In Bellevue
- Brain On Yer Tung
- Bug City
- Ca Plane Pour Moi
- Can't Stop (Catchin' 'Em All)
- Candy
- Candy Cigarette
- Carolyn's Bootie
- Chocolate Dimension
- Christmas Piglet
- Clean Machine
- Cleveland Rocks
- Comin Around
- Confusion
- Death Star
- Deleter
- Devil In a Sleepin' Bag
- Dool At You
- Drool at You
- Dune Buggy
- Farm Foods
- Feather Pluckin'
- feather-pluckin
- Ffilm Party
- Flame Is Love
- French Girl
- Froggie
- Fuck California
- Gary's teeth
- Ghosts Are Everywhere
- Heading Out
- Highway Forever
- Hot Carl!
- I Got the Blue
- I Made Up
- I'm Mad
- Japan
- Jazz Guy
- Jeniffer's Jacket
- Jennifer's jacket
- Jupiter
- Kick Out the Jams
- Kitty
- Kommer En Kwel
- L.I.P
- L.I.P.
- Ladies And Gentlemen
- ladies and gentlemen PARTE II
- Ladies And Gentlemen, Part 1
- Ladies And Gentlemen, Part 2
- Ladybug
- Last Girl On Earth
- Let's Lynch The Landlord
- Little Champion
- Lonely Chicken
- Loose Balloon
- Love Delicatessen
- Lunatic to Love
- Mach 5
- Man (Aposable thumb)
- Man (opposable Tumb)
- Meanwhile Back In The City
- Mixed Up S.O.B.
- Mobile Home
- Monkey River
- More Bad Times
- More Rok!
- Munky River
- My Date With The President's Daughter
- Naked and Famous
- New York Groove
- Nothin But Love
- Novocaine Hurricane
- Novoicane Hurricane
- Nuthin But Luv
- Peaches (Corrected)
- PNW blue
- Poke And Destroy
- Poor Little Me
- Poor Turtle
- Puffy Little Shoes
- Radio Control
- Road Runner
- Robert Goulet
- Rot In The Sun
- Sharpen Up Those Fang
- Shortwave
- Shout It Out Loud
- Show Us Your Id
- Shreds Of Boa
- Slip Away
- Slow Slow Fly
- So Lo So Hi
- Some Postman
- Spoon Man
- Spoonman
- Stranger
- Sunshine
- Supermodel
- Supersonics
- Superstar
- Teenage Girl
- Tiger Bomb
- Tiki God
- Tiki Lounge God
- Tiny Christmas
- Tiny Explosions
- Too much
- Too Much Monkey Business
- Toob Amplifier
- Tremelo blooz
- Tremolo Blooz
- Truckstop Butterfly
- Tube Amplifier
- Tv Eye
- Twig
- Useless Crushes
- Vestina
- Volcano
- Wake Up
- Wake Up!
- Warhead
- We're Not Going To Make It
- We're not gonna make it
- Wither Without You
- Zero Friction
The Presidents of the United States of America (ocasionalmente referidos como PUSA, The Presidents ou Pot USA) eram uma banda americana de power trio de rock alternativo. A banda se formou em Seattle, Washington, em 1993, e se desfez em 2016.
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