Letras de Músicas de Yoko Ono

Compilamos todas as letras de músicas de Yoko Ono que conseguimos para que aqueles que, como você, buscam músicas de Yoko Ono, as encontrem todas em um só lugar.

Encontre aqui as letras das suas músicas favoritas de Yoko Ono.

Aqui você poderá descobrir quais são as músicas de Yoko Ono mais procuradas.

  1. Yes, I'm A Witch
  2. (forgive Me) My Little Flower Princess
  3. (in) Cape Clear
  4. #9 Dream
  5. A Kiss is Just a Kiss
  6. A Little Story
  7. A Story
  8. A Thousand Times Yes
  9. Aint She Sweet
  10. Aint That A Shame
  11. Airtalk
  12. Aisumasen
  13. Amsterdam
  14. Angel Baby
  15. Angela
  16. Angry Young Woman
  17. Approximately Infinite Universe
  18. Ask The Dragon
  19. Attica State
  20. Baby Please Dont Go
  21. Bad Dancer
  22. Be Bop A Lula
  23. Be My Baby
  24. Beautiful Boys
  25. Bless You
  26. Blue Suede Shoes
  27. Bony Moronie
  28. Born In a Prison
  29. Borrowed Time
  30. Bring On The Lucie
  31. Catman (the Rosies Are Coming)
  32. Children Power
  33. Cleanup Time
  34. Coffin Car
  35. Come Together
  36. Cookin'
  37. Crippled Inside
  38. Dear John
  39. Dear Yoko
  40. Death Of Samantha
  41. Dizzy Miss Lizzy
  42. Do The Oz
  43. Dogtown
  44. Don't Be Scared
  45. Don't Count The Waves
  46. Don't Worry, Kyoko
  47. Dream Love
  48. even when You're Far Away
  49. Every Man Has A Woman Who Loves Him
  50. Everyman Everywoman
  51. Extension 33
  52. Fame
  53. Forgive Me, My Love
  54. Franklin Summer
  55. Give Me Some Truth
  56. Give Me Something
  57. Give Peace A Chance
  58. God
  59. God Save Us
  60. Going Down On Love
  61. Goodbye Sadness
  62. Goodbye, My Love
  63. Goodnight Vienna
  64. Greenfield Morning I Pushed An Empty Baby Carriage All Over The City
  65. Grow Old With Me
  66. Growing Pain
  67. Happy Xmas
  68. Hard Times Are Over
  69. Have You Seen A Horizon Lately
  70. Heartburn Stew
  71. Hell In Paradise
  72. Hell In Paradise (dub Version)
  73. Hell In Paradise (instrumental)
  74. Here We Go Again
  75. Hirake
  76. Hold On
  77. Hound Dog
  78. How?
  79. I Don't Know Why
  80. I Don't Wanna Face It
  81. I Dont Wanna Be A Soldier, Mama, I Dont Wanna Die
  82. I Felt Like Smashing My Face In A Clear Glass Window
  83. I Found Out
  84. I Have A Woman Inside My Soul
  85. I Know
  86. I Learned To Stutter/coffin Car
  87. I Love All Of Me
  88. I Love You, Earth
  89. I See Rainbows
  90. I Want My Love To Rest Tonight
  91. I'll Always Be With You
  92. I'm Losing You
  93. I'm Moving On
  94. I'm Stepping Out
  95. I'm The Greatest
  96. If Only
  97. Imagine
  98. Incantation
  99. Instant Karma
  100. Intuition
  101. Is Winter Here To Stay?
  102. Isolation
  103. It Happened
  104. It's Alright
  105. It's Been Very Hard
  106. It's Gonna Rain (living On Tiptoe)
  107. It's So Hard
  108. Jealous Guy
  109. John Sinclair
  110. John, John (let's Hope For Peace)
  111. Josejoi Banzai (translated From Japanese)
  112. Just Because
  113. Kiss Kiss Kiss
  114. Kite Song
  115. Kurushi
  116. Left Turn's The Right Turn
  117. Let Me Count The Ways
  118. Let The Tears Dry
  119. Life Begins At 40
  120. Light On The Other Side
  121. Listen, The Snow Is Falling
  122. Little Boy Blue Your Daddy’s Gone
  123. Loneliness
  124. Loneliness (12" Remix)
  125. Long Lost John
  126. Look At Me
  127. Looking Over From My Hotel Window
  128. Lord, Take This Makeup Off Me
  129. Love
  130. Maggie Mae
  131. Make Love, Not War
  132. Meat City
  133. Men, Men, Men
  134. Midsummer New York
  135. Mildred, Mildred
  136. Mind Games
  137. Mind Train
  138. Mindweaver
  139. Money (that's What I Want)
  140. Moonbeams
  141. Mother
  142. Mother Of The Universe
  143. Move On Fast
  144. Move Over Ms. L
  145. Mr. Hyde's Gone
  146. Mrs. Lennon
  147. Mucho Mungo
  148. Mucho Mungo/mt. Elga
  149. My Life
  150. My Man
  151. My Mummys Dead
  152. Never Say Goodbye
  153. New York City
  154. New York Woman
  155. No Bed For Beatle John
  156. No, No, No
  157. No, No, No/A Little Story
  158. Nobody Loves You
  159. Nobody Sees Me Like You Do
  160. Nobody Told Me
  161. Now Or Never
  162. O' Sanity
  163. O'oh
  164. O'wind (body Is The Scar Of Your Mind)
  165. Oh My Love
  166. Oh Yoko!
  167. Old Dirt Road
  168. One Day
  169. Only People
  170. Only You
  171. Open Your Box (hirake)
  172. Open Your Soul To Me
  173. Out The Blue
  174. Peggy Sue
  175. Peter The Dealer
  176. Phil & John #1
  177. Phil & John #2
  178. Phil & John #3
  179. Potbelly Rocker
  180. Power To The People
  181. Rainbow Revelation
  182. Real Love
  183. Remember
  184. Remember Love
  185. Remember Raven
  186. Revelations
  187. Rising
  188. Rock & Roll People
  189. Run, Run, Run
  190. Satire #1
  191. Satire #2
  192. Satire #3
  193. Scared
  194. Scumbag
  195. Seans In The Sky
  196. Seans Little Help
  197. Seans Loud
  198. Serve Yourself
  199. She Gets Down On Her Knees
  200. She Hits Back
  201. Shiranakatta (i Didn't Know)
  202. Silver Horse
  203. Since My Baby Left Me
  204. Sisters, O Sisters
  205. Sky People
  206. Sleepless Night
  207. Slippin & Slidin
  208. Song For John
  209. Spec Of Dust
  210. Stand By Me
  211. Starpeace
  212. Starting Over
  213. Steel & Glass
  214. Story Of An Oak Tree
  215. Straight Talk
  216. Strangers Room
  217. Sunday, Bloody Sunday
  218. Surprise, Surprise )
  219. Sweet Little Sixteen
  220. Take Me to the Land of Hell
  221. Talking To The Universe
  222. The Great Wok
  223. The King Of The Zoo
  224. The Luck Of The Irish
  225. The Luck Of The Irish (live)
  226. The Rishi Kesh Song
  227. The Sun Is Down!
  228. There's No Goodbye
  229. Tight A$
  230. To Know Her Is To Love Her
  231. Tomorrow May Never Come
  232. Toyboat
  233. Turn Of The Wheel
  234. Turned The Corner
  235. Waiting For The Sunrise
  236. Wake Up
  237. Walking On Thin Ice
  238. Warzone
  239. Watching The Wheels
  240. We're All Water
  241. Well
  242. Well, Well, Well
  243. What A Bastard The World Is
  244. What A Mess
  245. What Did I Do!
  246. What You Got
  247. Whatever Gets You Through The Night
  248. When In Doubt, Fuck It
  249. Where Do We Go From Here
  250. Who Has Seen The Wind?
  251. Will I
  252. Will You Touch Me
  253. Winter Friend
  254. Winter Song
  255. Woman Is The Nigger Of The World
  256. Woman Of Salem
  257. Woman Power
  258. Working Class Hero
  259. Wouldn It
  260. Ya Ya
  261. Yang Yang
  262. Yellow Girl (stand By For Life)
  263. Yer Blues
  264. Yes, I'm Your Angel
  265. You And I
  266. You Are Here
  267. You Cant Catch Me
  268. You're The One
  269. Your Hands
  270. Yume O Moto (let's Have A Dream)

Yoko Ono Lennon (オノ・ヨーコ (小野 洋子), Ono Yōko, (Tóquio, 18 de fevereiro de 1933) é uma ativista, cantora, compositora, cineasta e artista plástica vanguardista japonesa. Yoko é mãe de Kyoko Chan Ono Cox, fruto de seu primeiro casamento, e Sean Lennon, seu filho com John Lennon. Atualmente vive sozinha em seu apartamento, em Nova Iorque. Suas obras, tanto musicais quanto plásticas e conceituais, são caracterizadas pela provocação, introspecção e pacifismo, sendo famosas no mundo inteiro.

Para descobrir os padrões das músicas de Yoko Ono, basta ler bem as letras de suas músicas, e prestar atenção não só no que dizem, mas em como são construídas.